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The University of Montevallo is Alabama’s only public liberal arts college and a member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges.

It was ranked 20th in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges in Regional Universities South and 4th in best value schools. The university in 2022, saw an enrollment of 2500+ bachelor’s degrees in more than 70 disciplines and master’s degrees in 12 areas.


Data Scattered Across Multiple Channels Hindering Growth 

The university was using various different applications for financial planning that led to financial information spread across various stakeholders, requiring all updates to be physically entered. With finance data dispersed across these multiple sources, budgeting and compiling reports necessitated extensive collaboration between stakeholders and proved arduous. Ultimately, the absence of a centralized system resulted in a slower, less transparent budgeting process and confusion within the University.


Breaking the Silos and Streamlining Data

Spaulding Ridge stepped in to lead a multi-stage finance transformation process across Montevallo. We began by addressing in-year reporting and forecasting, allowing Montevallo to compare budgets and actuals, and then addressed the budgeting process itself. Our process included developing incremental budget templates, position planning, enrollment and tuition planning, and various other processes through which Montevallo could align strategic goals with their planned spend. We then led a rollout across the University, building reports to allow for leaders to see the data they needed for decisions. We also helped to ensure budgeting became a durable, repeatable process that could part of the University’s planning culture over the long term.


Faster Budgeting and Better Use of Resources

After the partnership with Spaulding Ridge, Montevallo has seen a 90% reduction in time to gather data. This has led to reduced costs in finding the loopholes with a 3x increase in revenue. With the focus shifted from day-to-day manual entries, the University has been able to better utilize their resources for strategic input from the data. This work has also set Montevallo up for future enhancements regarding grants planning, enrollment management, financial aid optimization, and more.

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