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Procurement Contract Solution

Docusign CLM Connector for Coupa

Stop wasting time. Scale buy-side efficiently with Connected Procurement.

Procure-to-Pay Connected Contracts

Spaulding Ridge and Docusign are excited to announce the first Procure-to-Pay Connected Contracts solution. The solution unites two best-in-cloud platforms, Docusign CLM and Coupa, to streamline buy-side contracts.

This real-time connection leverages data from Coupa to populate contracts and reportable metadata in DocuSign CLM.

The Connector allows you to:


Automatically create or update contracts and metadata in Coupa or DocuSign CLM, eliminating manual data entry and reducing errors across platforms

Project Management

Share purchase orders, requisitions, invoices, and more across systems for improved consistency


Synchronize pertinent procurement information such as purchase requests, orders, and approval chains between both platforms


Get started with no custom development

Transform Your Buy-Side Contracts Today with Connected Procurement

Contact us today to learn more or request a demo.


Ember Parr

Associate, Data Solutions

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