Need to Streamline Portfolio Analysis
To maximize growth and profitability at each portfolio company, Shore works closely with each investment to apply industry best practices from a business process perspective. Prior to Shore working with Spaulding Ridge, they would have to send manual requests for information from dozens of individual companies, with an Excel spreadsheet that PortCo staff would fill out and send back to Shore. Shore’s team would then manually enter this data into their own financial systems, tweak it, and analyze it. As a result, it took Shore an entire FTE’s time just to wrangle basic information about the financial performance of their PortCos to answer questions during board meetings.
Optimize Performance with Spaulding Ridge’s Snowflake-Powered Data Solution
Spaulding Ridge developed a solution that uses Snowflake to connect directly to each PortCo’s financial systems to pull together data from HR, sales, and finance. Once synced to the data warehouse, it then funnels it into a data visualization tool that both Shore Capital and its PortCos use to view KPIs and compare performance to peer companies. All data transformation is handled in Snowflake, giving Shore an apples-to-apples comparison among company performance within the portfolio.